Maltese Sausage Shakshuka

Chef’s Name: Malcolm Gauci
Difficulty: Easy
Serves: 2 Servings


• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• ½ onion, finely chopped
• ½ red pepper, finely chopped
• 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
• 6 tomatoes, finely chopped
• A small handful of sun-dried tomatoes
• 1 tablespoon tomato puree
• 2 Maltese sausages
• ½ tsp chili flakes
• ⁠¼ tsp ground cumin
• ½ tsp smoked paprika
• 80 ml water
• 2 eggs
• A small handful of crumbled feta
• Coriander leaves
• Toasted sourdough bread
• Salt


Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, and red pepper, and cook for a few minutes. Add the Maltese sausage, and once it is slightly cooked, add the tomatoes, tomato puree, and seasonings. Mix well, then add the water. Cover and let it simmer for a few minutes. Feel free to add more water if it becomes too dry.

Once the sauce has reduced, make two wells and crack in the eggs. Let them cook in the sauce until the whites have set. Finish off with feta and coriander, and dig in with some toasted sourdough bread. Enjoy!