Maltese Sausage Ciabatta

Chef’s Name: Chloe Portelli Warne & James Caruana
Difficulty: Easy
Serves: 1 Serving


• 3 Maltese sausages
• 1 large onion
• 2 garlic cloves
• Beer (we used Blue Label)
• Ciabatta
• Garlic butter
• Rucola
• Thyme
• Rosemary
• Mushrooms
• Fresh cream
• Worcestershire sauce
• Scamorza (or your favorite cheese)



Add half of your chopped onions to a pre-heated pan with a drizzle of olive oil on medium heat. Mix continuously until the onions are caramelized. Add rosemary and thyme to the onions, along with roughly 1 cup of beer. Mix until the beer evaporates.

For the sauce, lightly fry some onions and garlic in a pan. When the onions are translucent, add two handfuls of chopped mushrooms and cook over medium heat. Add a quarter cup of Worcestershire sauce and simmer until reduced. Add half a cup of cream, simmer for two minutes, and set the sauce aside.

Cook your Maltese sausage in a pan until golden brown.

For sandwich preparation and assembly, lightly toast your ciabatta. Generously spread both sides with garlic butter. Add your rucola as a base and place some sauce on top. Add your Maltese sausage to the ciabatta, along with a layer of your preferred cheese on top. Finish off with some more of that delicious sauce and enjoy!